Monday, June 15, 2015

FNaF Fanfiction: The Fazbear Project

I made this. I am proud :)
As most of you reading this know very well, I enjoy Five Night's at Freddy's. Love the games to death, and I also love the songs, artwork, and other cool stuff the FNaF fandom creates. The series lore and story is so cryptic that we have more theories and speculation than hard fact, and I do love a good Game Theory (those of you who get that, you get high five).  

I also enjoy writing, as you can probably tell by the fact that I have a blog. Most of the stuff I write in my free time are short stories that usually don't get finished. I have finished one really good one, or at least I enjoyed writing it, which I might publish on Wattpad or something. 

But that's beside the point of this post. The point is that I started a FNaF fanfiction and now just can't seem to make any head way in it. (And I know you are going to ask: no shipping! Not one pairing in the entire story! Spoiler alert: nothing at all romantic/sexual happens!) I got to a point that is just dragging its feet a little too much for my ADHD mind to make something out of (if you are any kind of storyteller you know exactly what I mean). 

Let me tell you what the story's going to be about: 

The Fazbear Project:
A FNaF Fanfiction

"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza has become something of a myth. The horrors of the children's restaurant have been reduced to legend; something discussed in Creepypastas and paranormal internet forums. Not many people remember what really happened there—and even less believe it to be true. Even so the myth is there, and people enjoy myths.

Alex Turner knows that people like myths. He also knows that people will probably pay to 'experience the legend for themselves'. That is why Alex has created a team focused on recreating Freddy Fazbear's Pizza as closely as possible.

Or at least, that's what everyone thinks.

The Fazbear Project is a dramatic tale spanning over 60 years of horror and mystery. Questions and truths thought to be buried deep in the past will be uncovered as Alex's tragic history is revealed. Lives will change and deadly secrets that would be best left alone will be discovered." 

That is the synopsis of the story. It is still in the early stages but I am pretty confident that this will be a whopper of a story. I am not going to release anything else on it until I have finished it, although I might do a sample chapter at some point if I feel the burning hot desire to do so. 

I will be putting the story on Wattpad, as well as a couple of other sites when the time comes. I don't have a definite release date, but hopefully soon. I wish to have the whole thing completely rapped up by the time FNaF 4 rolls around.

Until next time,

Update: Where Has Content Been?

The newest teaser for FNaF 4 from Scott Cawthon
Hello everyone. Welcome back to Thoughts, Opinions, and Other Dull Things. As you may have noticed, not many thoughts, opinions, or other dull things have been put on the blog for awhile. In fact, nothing has been put on the blog! I do plan on doing more stuff. Most of my posts have been longer and take longer to write. I will still be doing those posts, but I will do smaller, more frequent posts about just stuff. Do not worry, loyal fans, I am not dead. I will be doing more stuff in the following weeks. I am working on posts about FNaF lore and To The Moon, an excellent indie game I played last month. I am also thinking of a way to do a short story type thing about FNaF, which a seperate post about that and what I plan to do with it will be in a separate post I make right after this one.

Again, do not worry. More will come on the blog. But for now, this is me signing off.

Until next time (which will be sooner than last time),
